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Spain Spain · MADRID
Oscar rating:
Drama Doghead is the story of Samuel, an eighteen-year-old boy who has suffered from a rare neurological disease since he was little. Sometimes he can’ t hear, see and is unable to walk and articulate a sentence. This is why he has grown up away from everything and overprotected by his family. A series of chance circumstances brings him to Madrid, where he meets Consuelo, a twenty something-yearold girl who is as disturbed as him. The ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
March 24, 2014
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Ante todo un filme original y valiente, como la anterior película de Santi Amodeo, 'Astronautas', pero también una comedia dramática con pocas cosas que contar, lo que repercute en una narración fragmentada y no demasiado interesante. Se salba el estilo de Amodeo, esa forma de contar todo como si fuese un cuento que recuerda a algún filme francés multimillonario. Adriana Ugarte fue nominada al Goya a la Mejor Actriz Revelación.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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