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Megustaelcine rating:
Drama Viridiana is a virtuous young woman living in a convent in Spain and about to take her vows as a nun, when she is urged by her superior to visit her closest living relative, the widowed Don Jaime (Fernando Rey), at his estate. The lonely Don Jaime asks Viridiana to oblige him by trying on his deceased wife's wedding gown, and the young niece does so. Later, the aroused Don Jaime drugs Viridiana, planning to ravish her while she is ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
June 14, 2016
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
Miserias humanas contadas como nadie, única.
Como la escena de la cena, que hace un guiño con humor negro, tragedia y surrealismo a la ultima cena de Jesús de una forma maravillosa.
Personajes esperpenticos, magistrales que te hacen disfrutar de esta inolvidable, estimulante obra maestra.
Actores magníficos, película llena de matices y de escenas elocuentes contadas de forma especifica y sorprendente. Una delicia.
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