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alfonsov86 rating:
Sci-Fi. Drama. Adventure In the near future Earth has been devastated by drought and famine, causing a scarcity in food and extreme changes in climate. When humanity is facing extinction, a mysterious rip in the space-time continuum is discovered, giving mankind the opportunity to widen their lifespan. A group of explorers must travel beyond our solar system in search of a planet that can sustain life. The crew of the Endurance are required to think bigger and ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
December 28, 2014
5 of 7 users found this review helpful
¿Os imaginais La Guerra de Las Galaxias pero con todo el mundo llorando?

Han Solo llorando.
Luke Skywalker llorando.
Darth Vader llorando.
Todo el mundo en la galaxia llorando, llorando y volviendo a llorar.

Esto es interstellar. Un peliculón de 90 minutos al que un guionista de Antena3 le ha añadido otros 80 minutos de lloros, sollozos y lamentos.
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