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Killer_Wolf rating:
Comedy Blackmail Is My Life centers on a quartet of young daredevils who've discovered blackmail as a means to enjoy the booming economy from which they've been excluded. When they try to squeeze both Yakuza kingpins and government officials by threatening to air their dirty laundry, they quickly confront the lethal consequences of their headstrong bravado.
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  • es
January 26, 2013
5 of 5 users found this review helpful
Magnética, bizarra y tremendamente crítica, una rareza repleta de freaks con mentecatos aprovechados y desesperados al mismo tiempo, a su vez, rematada con un poderoso y lúcido final a pesar de contar con escasos recursos.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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