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Perséfone rating:
Thriller. Action A phone call can change your life, but for one man it can also end it. Set entirely within and around the confines of a New York City phone booth, PHONE BOOTH follows Stu Shepard (Colin Farrell), a low-rent media consultant who is trapped after being told by a caller - a serial killer with a sniper rifle - that he'll be shot dead if he hangs up. What do you do when you hear a ringing public phone? You know it's a wrong number, but ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
December 6, 2011
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La cabina telefónica como metáfora. Usted no verá otra cosa que un tipo metido en una cabina amenazado por un francotirador que se comunica con él y lo amenaza a través del teléfono. Le pongo un 4,5, ya que mantiene el interés y transmite la angustia. Mas allá de eso no hay más.
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