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Spain Spain · Barcelona
josprem rating:
Mystery. Comedy Director Billy Wilder adds a new and intriguing twist to the personality of intrepid detective Sherlock Holmes. One thing hasn't changed however: Holmes' crime-solving talents. Holmes and Dr. Watson take on the case of a beautiful woman whose husband has vanished. The investigation proves strange indeed, involving six missing midgets, villainous monks, a Scottish castle, the Loch Ness monster, and covert naval experiments. Can the ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
April 10, 2012
6 of 10 users found this review helpful
Un día esa película aburrida y extraña te capta. Dejas la adolescencia y sus brumas y sonries con aquellos con los que jamás hubieras pensado reir. Te haces mayor porque sientes ese final, porque te emociona esa música apasionada. Creo que necesitas tener una madurez personal para sentir esta obra maestra, compleja, profunda, bellisima.
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