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Spain Spain · Granada
huber rating:
Correspondence (S)
2010 United States
Animation. War This will be displayed next to accepted artwork in the gallery. Correspondence is a Three-minute and 22 second 3D animation set in an undefined war and deals with issues that arise when power and control are abused. This is illustrated by the main character who is unknowingly trapped in a situation where he risks his life for a frivolous cause.
Language of the review:
  • es
November 17, 2011
5 of 5 users found this review helpful
Este corto es como si nos resumieran la genial Senderos de Gloria de Stanley Kubrick en 3 minutos donde en esencia el propósito de los soldados en la guerra no es otro que someterse a las órdenes de sus superiores por inútiles que éstas puedan parecer.

Aunque técnicamente el corto no es niguna maravilla, no me esperaba el final de la historia y me ha gustado.

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