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Spain Spain · Valladolid
Yago Rojo rating:
Drama. War. Mystery An American of German descent arrives in post-war Germany 1945. His uncle gets him a job on the Zentropa train line as a sleeping car conductor. The American's wish is to be neutral to the ongoing purges of loyalists by the Allied forces and do what he can to help a hurting country, but he finds himself being used by both the Americans and the influential family that owns the railroad. After falling in love with the railroad magnate's ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
October 22, 2006
2 of 5 users found this review helpful
Hipnótica pero con una potencia que te hace permanecer plenamente consciente de todo. Gran retrato de la Europa de posguerra mundial en el que se refleja los principales porblemas que hubieron durante dicho periodo, entre ellos y sobre todo la resistencia nazi que permaneció sobre todo en la zona capitalista de una Alemania que no mejoraba tras la gran batalla. Muy interesante de ver.
Yago Rojo
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