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Spain Spain · Rotglá y Corbera
Messer E Vork rating:
Comedy. Fantasy. Adventure In the bleak days of 1983, the Crimson Permanent Assurance, an accountancy staffed by elderly workers much like a slave ship, has been taken over by efficiency-minded corporate types. When they sack an employee, there's an uprising, and the building is unleashed from its moorings to sail across the (dry) ocean and take on the financial centers of the world, starting with an all-out attack on the large skyscraper housing The Very Big ... [+]
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  • es
October 3, 2011
20 of 22 users found this review helpful
Sin lugar a dudas, un grandísimo cortometraje. No sé si será uno de los mejores de la historia, pero desde luego hace méritos para serlo, no solamente por lo bien que da en el blanco a la hora de criticar lo que es el mundo empresarial, avaro y voraz, sino también porque al mismo tiempo que critica consigue hacer reir con ese humor absurdo tan propio de los Monty Phyton.

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Messer E Vork
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