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Spain Spain · madrid
lena rating:
Drama It explores the disillusionment of an elderly physician, Professor Isak Borg, as he reflects upon his life and begins to perceive his mortality. As he travels to Lund to receive an honorary award after 50 years of medical practice, he finds himself repeatedly affected by intrusive dreams and hallucinations that expose his darkest fears. He slowly comes to realize that the choices he made in the past have created a cold and empty life, ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
July 18, 2006
4 of 4 users found this review helpful
El reencuentro con uno mismo al final de la vida nos permite vernos como realmente somos, sin la distorsión dulzona que evocan los recuerdos. El camino que recorre el protagonista para acudir a una entrega de premios, se nos muestra también a través de la relación con su hija y su madre, gélido retrato al hombre que fue y que es.
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