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Vurdalak rating:
Drama. Romance. Comedy A mysterious, obsessive-compulsive, suicidal Japanese man living in Bangkok, Thailand, is thrown together with a Thai woman through a tragic chain of events. The woman is everything he is not. He is a neat freak who keeps his dishes washed and his books neatly stacked and categorized. She dresses like a slob, smokes pot and never picks anything up. It's a match that somehow works, though. Slowly and entertainingly, more is revealed ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
August 23, 2006
7 of 10 users found this review helpful
Obra maestra sin otro comentario válido, todo resulta absorbente, merecedor del mejor adjetivo, lástima que su director no se apellide Kar-Wai o Kim Ki Duk sinó quizá estaríamos hablando de una obra mundialmente conocida, pero como no es así, nos valemos de otros circuitos (¿ilegales?) para poder disfrutar de talentos como el de Pen-Ek Ratanaruang, atención a la cinta Seis Nueve de él mismo, no tiene desperdicio alguno.
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