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Spain Spain · Tres Cantos
Eric Starhawk rating:
TV Series. Drama TV Miniseries (2019). 8 Episodes. “Patria” studies the impact of the Basque conflict on ordinary people on either side of the divide, such as the widow of a man shot dead by the armed separatist group ETA who returns to her home village after the 2011 ceasefire, and the mother of an incarcerated terrorist. The novel, published last year, runs to 646 pages.
Language of the review:
  • es
August 19, 2023
3 of 5 users found this review helpful
En su conjunto me gustó mucho, aunque creo que, como en los documentales de Jon Sistiaga, se trata de manera algo injusta a la Guardia Civil.
La serie aborda, a partir de la novela de Aramburu, un tema muy doloroso y complicado, y lo hace con una enorme calidad.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
Eric Starhawk
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