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Spain Spain · Barcelona
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Mystery. Drama. Thriller Frank Nitzche is a disgraced Texas lawyer who once specialized in defending death row inmates. He now makes a dubious living trading in the final correspondence of convicted killers. His latest victim is Charlotte Cory. Convicted for the abduction and murder of a baby, Charlotte is now days away from death by lethal injection. Nitzche has won her confidence by falsely claiming to have known her late father. They have struck up a ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
March 18, 2008
3 of 7 users found this review helpful
Típica película hecha para la televisión que en cine no creo ni que saliera. Es la película del domingo a medio día, que la ves está entretenida pero no es gran cosa. La chica tiene esa doble vertiente que engaña sobre si es buena o mala, pero poco más a destacar.
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