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Colombia Colombia · Bogotá
chemivar rating:
Comedy. Drama Bursting with imagination and having seen her share of tragedy and fantasy, Amelie (Audrey Tautou) is not like the other girls. When she grows up she becomes a waitress in a Montmartre bar run by a former dancer. Amelie enjoys simple pleasures until she discovers that her goal in life is to help others. To that end, she invents all sorts of tricks that allow her to intervene incognito into other people's lives, including an imbibing ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
March 21, 2009
11 of 15 users found this review helpful
Plena de originalidad, de amor por el prójimo, de situaciones inverosímiles en el mundo real pero muy reales y ciertas en éste pequeño universo (de una época, de un lugar) que nos crea Jeunet. Aclamada por muchos porque llega a muchos, a lo íntimo, a la fibra cardíaca. Poco que decir y mucho que ver en ésta cinta roba-corazones
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