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Suckas Fo Fellatio media

Original title
Suckas Fo Fellatio
Running time
31 min.
United States United States
Action. Comedy | Crime. Half-length Film
When the streets become a war zone, and the only witness to the takeover are the shadows cast by women with guns, sometimes the only way out for a pimp and a cop, is to go deeper in. In these dangerous hours, it's not the shadows you have to worry about, it's the women casting it and the one that pulls the trigger. Suckas Fo Fellatio follows wheelchair-bound criminal Milky Jackson and Officer Mason Jason as they are forced to work together against a new evil that threatens to take control over the city. Gunfire ravages the strongholds, men and women are thrust into the chaos of this grind-house dark comedy. In the end when the ashes fall and the gunfire is silent, one figure will stand triumphant, will it be the cop, the wheelchair pimp, or the mastermind?
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User history
Suckas Fo Fellatio
David Vincent Cortez, Alexander Hoggard