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India Awakes documentary

Original title
India Awakes
Running time
60 min.
United States United States
Documentary, Self:
Documentary | Business & Stock Exchange
Noted Swedish author, commentator, and Cato Institute Senior Fellow Johan Norberg explores an inherited British bureaucracy which created layers of rules and regulations. However, globalization and economic liberalization have created fluidity between classes - and greater ambition. Norberg follows three individuals who are working to improve their lives, and in doing so, are breaking down the centuries old caste system. India is coming alive and flourishing economically. In fact, Citigroup estimates that by 2050, it will have the world's largest economy, larger than China and the United States. For many centuries, only the politically connected and elite prospered in India, while the rest of the population lived in poverty. However, since 1991, 250 million people have been lifted out of poverty and are finding new ways to flex their personal and economic power.
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India Awakes
James Tusty