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Spain Spain · Valencia
Pellejero rating:
Comedy. Drama When the film unfolds, Da Ming (He Zheng), who works in capitalism-oriented South as a businessman, returns to his family home in Beijing after being hinted that his elderly father (Zhu Xu) has passed away. Da Ming's father owns a traditional bathhouse which he runs with the help of his other son, mentally challenged Er Ming (Jiang Wu). Da Ming feels a little impatient after learning that his father is perfectly heathy. He immediately ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
December 28, 2019
1 of 2 users found this review helpful
Una gran película.
Desde luego la vida es igual en todas partes: el nuevo modo de vida globalizado, con sus grandes infraestructuras se impone aplastando sin miramientos las antiguas formas de ser y de relacionarse que, sin duda, eran mucho más cercanas y humanas.
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