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AndrésFS rating:
Romance. Drama. Sci-Fi He was a writer. He thought he wrote about the future but it really was the past. In his novel, a mysterious train left for 2046 every once in a while. Everyone who went there had the same recapture their lost memories. It was said that in 2046, nothing ever changed. Nobody knew for sure if it was true, because nobody who went there had ever come back- except for one. He was there. He chose to leave. He wanted to change. [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
September 23, 2018
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
Pues, lo que me pasa con Kar wai siempre, que sus historias no son de mi agrado, pero tiene un talento innegable.

Al igual que en "Deseando Amar" aunque inferior aquí, gran fotografía, magnífica BSO y una ambientación maravillosa. Y Tony Leung siempre me transmite seguridad.

Pero siempre me quedaré con Chungking express.
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