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Padre Karras rating:
Film noir. Mystery. Thriller Gotham College professor Wanley and his friends become obsessed with the portrait of a woman in the window next to the men's club. Wanley happens to meet the woman while admiring her portrait, and ends up in her apartment for talk and a bit of champagne. Her boyfriend bursts in and misinterprets Wanley's presence, whereupon a scuffle ensues and the boyfriend gets killed. In order to protect his reputation, the professor agrees to dump ... [+]
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  • es
October 8, 2015
2 of 3 users found this review helpful
Fritz Lang revalida su título de explorador de las oscuridades del alma humana con la más alta calificación. Genial guión, solventes interpretaciones y un maestro tras las cámaras. Imprescindible.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
Padre Karras
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