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Cine de Sobremesa rating:
Drama. Mystery On 1894, French Captain Alfred Dreyfus, a young promising officer, is degraded for spying for Germany, wrongfully convicted of treason and sentenced to life imprisonment at Devil's Island. Among the witnesses to his humiliation is Georges Picquart, who is promoted to run the military counter-intelligence unit that tracked him down. But when Picquart discovers that secrets are still being handed over to the Germans, he is drawn into a ... [+]
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  • es
February 4, 2020
10 of 11 users found this review helpful
Excelente representación del acontecimiento histórico que narra y de la sociedad de la época. Parece que en la Francia de la igualdad, la fraternidad y la libertad, no había ninguna de las tres cosas. Lo malo es que es bastante lenta.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
Cine de Sobremesa
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