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Spain Spain · Pontevedra
Azabache rating:
Drama A man is looking for the singer Nora Luca, whom he heard on his father's favorite cassette. Stéphane, a young French man from Paris, travels to Romania. He is looking for the singer Nora Luca, whom his father had heard all the time before his death. Wandering along a frozen road, he meets old Izidor, a member of the Roma (Gypsy) and tells him of Nora Luca. Izidor seems to understand and takes him to his village. Stéphane believes that ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
July 7, 2014
1 of 1 users found this review helpful
Sorprendente viaje por una tierra y una forma de vida inextricablemente unidos a la música y la danza. Gatlif abre una ventana, no ya a un pueblo, sino a un sentimiento primario y desnudo de la vida, con sus tristezas y alegrías, en un marco festivo y colorista que arranca del espectador empatía, sentir puro. Con su habitual sobriedad, Gatlif transmite el espíritu independiente e inconformista del pueblo gitano y también el dolor ancestral de su marginación. Visualmente sugestiva y un auténtico deleite para el oído. El extranjero loco es una celebración de la vida, una magistral exposición de la belleza y el dolor de ser "distinto".
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