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El Extranjero rating:
Thriller. Mystery To avoid spoiling the movie this plot summary is very brief. It starts when three people living together in a four bedroom flat are looking for a house mate. The interviews they conduct are very unorthodox and very funny. Eventually the three agree on one prospective tenant. He moves in, locks his door, and is not seen again. After a couple of days the three become curious and break in to his room. What follows is an amazing piece of ... [+]
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  • es
December 3, 2017
4 of 4 users found this review helpful
La respuesta clara y unánime, sí. 'Tumba abierta' nos lo deja muy claro. Aparte de ser un filme con poca gracia, si por comedia negra entendemos planos bizarros y reacciones del todo incongruentes, o directamente cine absurdo, en ese caso sí que habrá que darles la razón a sus defensores. Eso de que a algunos les recuerde a pasajes del cine de Lynch (el absurdo interrogatorio) me hace ver que estoy en lo cierto al plantarle un dos pues entonces es evidente que no me ha gustado.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
El Extranjero
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