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Spain Spain · Sevilla
raul rating:
Comedy This is the story of three old friends who find themselves fighting with each other when their lost friend's will is open to reveal his ultimate betting game, one where the winner will become the heir of his fortune. Marcos Cabota Samper is also the co-writer of the film along with his co-director Borja Manso. A long and exciting journey, just as much as Marcos', who surely also has ahead a long and prosper future in the film industry.
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  • es
August 29, 2011
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Reconozco 3 cosas:
1) Hay momentos en los que te ríes (no son los más pero bueno).
2) Goya Toledo nos pone a todos (a mi el primero).
3) Alterio y el de "aquí no hay quien viva" son francamente buenos actores.

Bien, pues a pesar de eso le casco un 4, un suspenso, no pasaría de curso esta película. Es que abusan de las parodias y además no le sacan todo lo que podrían.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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