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Costa Rica Costa Rica · Heredia
melisalas rating:
Drama. Action. Thriller Cidade de Deus (City of God) is a housing project built in the 1960's that--in the early 80's--became one of the most dangerous places in Rio de Janeiro. The tale tells the stories of many characters whose lives sometimes intersect. However, all is seen through the eyes of a singular narrator: Busca-Pé, a poor black youth too frail and scared to become an outlaw but also to smart to be content with underpaid, menial jobs. He grows up in ... [+]
Language of the review:
  • es
September 9, 2005
3 of 9 users found this review helpful
La película muestra la cruda verdad sobre la vida de las personas pobres, las cuales se dedican a ciertas actividades "poco honestas", ya sea sólo por sobrevivir o por tener lo que más anhelan; es una excelente película, no se guarda la cruda realidad.
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