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Spain Spain · Castellón
musicalex90 rating:
Fantasy. Thriller On October 12, 1969, an out-of-control Bruxton fire took the life of John Sullivan's father Frank (Quaid), a heroic firefighter. As John grew up, not a day went by that he didn't dream of being able to stop the tragedy of that fateful day. Now in the 90s, John (Caviezel) is a cop who remains haunted by anger and loneliness. One day before the anniversary of his father's death, in the midst of the spectacular storm known as the aurora ... [+]
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  • es
October 8, 2012
1 of 2 users found this review helpful
"Frequency" (2000). John, un policía, encuentra en su casa la vieja radio de su fallecido padre bombero. A causa de una tormenta solar y la aurora boreal es capaz de comunicarse con su padre hace 30 años por la misma radio, e intentará cambiar el pasado. Una película muy original, con tensión y sentimentalismo a la vez. El papel de los personajes muy bien logrado. 4*/5
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