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Jenny Costa da Morte rating:
Drama. Sci-Fi United Kingdom. In an undetermined future, Alex (Malcolm McDowell) is the leader of a gang of «droogs» who walks the streets of London cultivating his sole two passions: ultraviolence and Beethoven's music. He and his young followers vent their most violent instincts on any person crossing their path. They beat, rape and terrorize their victims. When their escalation of terror culminates in murder, Alex is arrested and sent to prison. ... [+]
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  • es
April 24, 2016
7 of 8 users found this review helpful
Antes decir que yo no soy fan del cine. Para mi es solo un pasatiempo y mi crítica es desde lo que yo veo y pienso. Mi opinión no es de una experta ni mucho menos.
Bien, dicho esto, La Naranja mecánica es una película para disfrutarla desde el minuto 0. Es una crítica de la sociedad pero te dejo que descubras tú mismo/a para que la disfrutes plenamente :)
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
Jenny Costa da Morte
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