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Spain Spain · Valencia
Antonio rating:
Drama. Comedy. War Sir John Falstaff is the hero in this compilation of extracts from Shakespeare's 'Henry IV' and other plays, made into a connected story of Falstaff's career as young Prince Hal's drinking companion. The massive knight roisters with and without the prince, philosophizes comically, goes to war (in his own fashion), and meets his final disappointment, set in a real-looking late-medieval England.
Language of the review:
  • es
January 12, 2019
5 of 10 users found this review helpful
Parece más una obra de teatro que una película. Los protagonistas llevan a cabo largos monólogos, hablan con un lenguaje culto y lleno de adjetivos y reflexiones filosóficas, hablan a gritos como si se dirigieran al público, cuando la persona a la que hablan está a su espalda... En fin, queda todo muy artificioso y poco natural.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
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