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Daniel Quintero rating:
Sci-Fi. Fantasy. Horror Lowlife cable TV operator Max Renn discovers a "snuff TV" broadcast called Videodrome. But Videodrome is more than a TV show - it's an experiment that uses regular TV transmissions to permanently alter the viewer's perceptions by giving them brain damage. Max is caught in the middle of the forces that created Videodrome and the forces that want to control it, his body itself turning into the ultimate weapon to fight them.
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  • es
April 3, 2015
5 of 7 users found this review helpful
La verdad no me gustó esta película pero no es mala, lo que creo que me pasó es que aparte que no la entendí, no pude engancharme a la ambientación ni a los personajes y bueno, como dije, no es mala, tuvo cosas interesantes en su trama, tuvo varias escenas muy buenas, me gustaron los efectos especiales.
SPOILER ALERT: The rest of this review may contain important storyline details. View all
Daniel Quintero
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