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El último día miniseriesdocumentary

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Original title
El último día
Running time
50 min.
Spain Spain
Goroka TV. Distributor: Max
TV Series. Documentary | Sects / Extremist Cults. 1990s. TV Miniseries
Night of January 7, 1998. Barrio de la Salud. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

A large police operation stealthily surrounds a three-story building located at 23-A Enrique de Anaga Street. The agents try to listen to what is going on inside the house but nothing is heard. When the head of the unit gives the signal, everything happens very quickly. The agents break down the door and enter the house. With weapons raised, they identify themselves by shouting. They climb the stairs, search all the rooms. In all the rooms there is Hindu paraphernalia hanging on the walls and chol-chonets covering every inch of the floor. They find what they are looking for. A group of 32 people dressed in white robes are in the middle of a religious ritual. Five of them are children. They ask them all to stop what they are doing and take them away amidst the astonished looks of the neighbors. It is the culmination of an investigation to prevent the collective suicide of the members of an organization known as the Training Center for the release of Atma energy. According to information from the Information Brigade, the members of this religious group have the firm belief that the end of the world will come on January 8 of this year. That is, the day after the arrest. Their plan is to climb Mount Teide to contemplate how everything sinks, "abandon their bodies" and await the arrival of a spaceship that will take their souls away.
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User history
El último día (TV Miniseries)
Enric Álvarez