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The Love of a Gypsy Girl short film

Original title
Running time
14 min.
Denmark Denmark
Drama | Short Film. Silent Film. Origins of Film. Melodrama. Kidnapping Film / Disappearance. Revenge
A young count is giving a dinner, and to amuse his guests, he takes them to a gypsy encampment, where some of the gypsy girls dance to entertain the young men. The count is attracted by one the gypsies and falls in love with her. A little later the girl sees the count drive to his wedding with the daughter of a neighboring aristocrat, and she returns sorrowfully to her own people. Five years elapse, and some gypsies call on the count when he is sitting with his wife and little daughter and ask for alms. He sends them away angrily, and they, in revenge, return and kidnap the child, who is taken to the gypsy encampment.
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The Love of a Gypsy Girl (S)
Einar Zangenberg