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Géneros y Topics

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Fichas con el topic "Documental sobre videojuegos" ordenadas por nº votos
  • Votos:
    Double Fine Adventure (Serie de TV)
    FPS: First Person Shooter
    The Smash Brothers (Miniserie de TV)
    Returnal: The Cycle (C)
    Street Fighter 30th Anniversary
  • Votos:
    The Name of the Game
    Gamestop: Rise of the Players
    Double Fine PsychOdyssey (Serie de TV)
    KAZ: Pushing the Virtual Divide
    From Bedrooms to Billions: The Amiga Years!
  • Votos:
    The Legend of Zelda 30th Anniversary Concert
    Built by Jedi - The Making of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
    Rasgo de la psicosis de Senua (C)
    Beep: A Documentary History of Game Sound
    From Bedrooms to Billions
  • Votos:
    Streets of Rage 4: Behind the Tracks (C)
    Streets of Rage 4: Behind the Art (C)
    Memories of Kenji Eno
    Tekken 7: Road to King of Iron Fist
    Streets of Rage 4: Behind the Music (C)
  • Votos:
    The Future of Pinball
    A Brief History of Graphics
    League of Millions
    Running with Speed
  • Votos:
    Shigenori Soejima - the art of Persona and Catherine (C)
    8 Bit Generation: The Commodore Wars
    The Legend of Zelda Concert 2018
    The Making of Horizon Zero Dawn
    From Paper to Pixel (C)
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Nota: Para mayor comodidad visual el gráfico se representa a escala logarítmica, que permite observar mejor las tendencias cuando las cifras son muy desiguales.
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