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Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton documentary

Original title
Big Joy: The Adventures of James Broughton
Running time
82 min.
United States United States
Documentary | Biography. Movie Documentary
What or who is Big Joy? Big Joy is James Broughton, pioneer of experimental cinema in the 1940s, and trickster poet who was a precursor to the beat movement in San Francisco. BIG JOY is a documentary that explores the twists and turns in the life of a very colorful character, plus how art has the power to save lives and make the world a better place. Broughton is a role model of living one's life to the fullest, or "follow your own weird" as he called it. BIG JOY features interviews with experts, colleagues, friends and lovers, plus images from his films, and the words of many of his kooky poems.
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