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Let the Right One In (TV Series)

TV Series. Drama. Fantasy. Romance. Horror Follows a 12-year-old girl who lives a closed-in life after turning into a vampire, only able to go out at night. Her father does his best to provide her with the minimal amount of human blood she needs to stay alive. TV adaptation of the vampire drama 'Let the Right One In'.

Canceled after its first season.
Media Author Review
"With a strong cast and striking visuals, this latest version of 'Let the Right One' In feels dramatically different from its predecessors (...) a risky but rewarding experiment" 
United States
The Playlist
"The real problem with 'Let the Right One In' could be how often it strays from its source (...) it’s dull in ways that the book and films never were" 
United States
"The show unfortunately does not stand out in a crowded marketplace for vamp dramas. It fails to connect its premise and the emotional work happening to its horror elements" 
United States
Bloody Disgusting
"The strong performances and emotional depth of these relationships guarantee that 'Let the Right One In' is far more than just another vampire series (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
AV Club
"If the 2010 American adaptation was unnecessary, Showtime’s is simply gratuitous (...) In an attempt to build out a full-season arc, the series drowns its central characters in expositional dialogue and needless new plot devices." 
United States
TV Guide
"Like its source material, it's good at complex relationships between troubled characters, but nothing else really works" 
United States
"Soulful and compelling (...) 'Let the Right One In' beats the odds, and is the kind of ambitious project that does well with its precious material. 
"'Let the Right One' In loses much of what made the original movies great, delivering little suspense and mystery (...) a glum drama about uninteresting relationships" 
United States
"The series premiere shows the potential for a solid mythology-heavy drama, but it lacks the brutal bite that made the previous adaptations so powerful" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"This is a fun show to watch, and while I stop short of calling it a great show, it nonetheless achieves more than enough dramatic momentum to be worthy of a good, gory binge." 
United States
Film School Rejects
"Like a vampire who didn't ask to be born, 'Let the Right One In' keeps getting resurrected against better judgment, and it seems to be losing more and more of its essence in the process each time" 
United States
"Affecting but spread too thin (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"The show is most interesting when the kids are at the center (...) Foreman and Baez are genuine and touching, and it’s easy to invest in their story" 
United States
"A bit uneven, mainly because some stories are less interesting than others" 
The Globe and Mail
"There are moments when the series is delicate, and sensitive... But the sum is less than its parts and while breezily watchable as horror, it loses power when it's a crime-drama" 
United States
"Though it isn't as good as the adaptations before it, Showtime's retelling manages to be emotionally shattering on its own (...) there is something in 'Let the Right One' In that sneaks up on you when you least expect it to." 
United Kingdom
The Times
"It is hard to imagine this becoming anything more than slightly bloodless, generic fare" 
United States
"[This] series isn't going to convince anyone it's the best adaptation to date, but there's enough reason yet again to welcome Ellie into your home" 
United States
"The choices Andrew Hinderaker makes to expand the story into a TV series land beautifully" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"A feature's worth of story cannot always be made to fill a serial run time, but it seems that that's not going to stop anyone from trying (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
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