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Woman on the Beach

Drama A filmmaker, trying to complete a script, stumbles into relationships with two women during a stay at an off-season seaside resort. The affairs reveal the patterns of destructive behavior that define his romantic relationships—and generate material for the new film. Even for director Hong Sang-soo’s many admirers, his new film turns out to be an unexpected delight—the most sheerly enjoyable and satisfying film of his career. Even as ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
Los Angeles Times
"'Woman On The Beach' is a stripped-down, witty explication of how we all get stymied by the impulses and options inherent in the simple act of living."
United States
"A wonderful, serious-minded romantic comedy-drama."
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"The film lacks Hong's usual insight and narrative innovation. It occasionally even feels self-indulgent."
United States
New York Post
"A South Korean romantic comedy by Hong Sang-soo, who has been likened in style to France's venerable Eric Rohmer." 
United States
Village Voice
"Albeit not as textured as Hong's past few films, Woman on the Beach is no less engrossing--a rueful tale of karmic irony, self-deceived desire, squandered second chances, and unforeseen abandonment."
United States
The New York Times
"Wry and tender and delicately melancholic, Woman on the Beach shows a newly confident filmmaker again working near the top of his form after the disappointing “Tale of Cinema” " 
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