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I Am Gretadocumentary

I Am Greta
2020 Sweden
Documentary, Self: Greta Thunberg
Documentary Greta Thunberg, 15, starts school striking for the climate. She skips school and sit outside the parliament to show the politicians that if they don't care about her future, why should she? A film about acting to stop climate change before it's too late.
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"[It] creates a close-up, behind-the-headlines portrait of a passionately committed, media-savvy young woman. 
United Kingdom
"[It] falls into the same trap as some of the politicians and civilians it criticises (...) While it does a workmanlike job of capturing the growing media clatter (...) there’s no attempt to cut through it (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[It] underlines the formidable achievements of teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg, but doesn't expand upon them (...) ['Greta'] invites more questions about her life than it answers." 
United States
"Those who might not want to see the teenage iconoclast in her full humanity that are most likely to walk away changed by what Grossman and his unlikely star bring to the table." 
United Kingdom
"This is essentially an uplifting, inspirational story about a girl with Asperger’s who turns her difference from ‘normal kids’ into a strength." 
United States
The New York Times
"It’s a bit of a blur, but Thunberg strikingly upends the stereotype of the young innocent as poster girl" 
United States
"'I am Greta' doesn’t have to do much beyond capturing its subject’s earnest, genuine charisma — and it does so, quite capably." 
United States
Common Sense Media
"What 'I Am Greta' lacks in dramatic tension, it makes up for in character" 
United States
"Since Thunberg is one of the most gifted and arresting speakers alive today, 'I Am Greta' is inherently compelling as a behind-the-scenes document of the vulnerabilities masked by her forceful persona (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"An intimate portrait of the teenage activist that at its best conveys her courage and spirit, before bogging down in what becomes a somewhat repetitious call for action." 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"A necessary, if underwhelming film (...) The succeeding scenes are intimate and absorbing (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
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