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Chicken for Linda!animation

Animation Paulette feels guilty after unjustly punishing her daughter Linda and would do anything to make it up to her. She would even make chicken with peppers, even though she doesn't know how to cook. But where will she find a chicken on the day the whole country is on strike?
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"It’s an appealing little charmer of a film, captured with a pleasingly lithe and lively animation style" 
United States
"Gorgeous French toon gets mother-daughter bonds better than most live-action movies" 
United States
"The best animated movies in years (...) Don't be fooled by its simple plot and storybook design — Sébastien Laudenbach and Chiara Malta’s extraordinary film draws an ocean of feeling from just a few splashes of color" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"A delightful picture that uses splashes of color and frantic turns to immerse us in its quest for poultry" 
United States
"As a small amusement, 'Chicken for Linda!' is an enjoyable enough lark. But its flightless emotional course leaves its profundity just out of range (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Don't miss this gorgeously animated culinary quest (...) A simple story with so much depth" 
United States
Chicago Reader
"Astounding, vivid, and lively" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"A touching coming-of-age cartoon caper made with the finest ingredients" 
United States
AV Club
"If you’re craving something light and flavorful, it may just hit the spot" 
United States
"However pleasurable and pretty 'Chicken for Linda!' may be in its individual scenes, it doesn’t so much achieve harmony through its balancing of contrasting elements as it fully surrenders to childlike whimsy (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"It’s mind-blowing how many ideas the extraordinarily kinetic 'Chicken for Linda!' packs into only 76 minutes (...) This tale of parents and poultry more than earns the exclamation point in its title" 
United States
The New York Times
"For all its playful color-block hues and deceptively casual illustrations, the movie delivers a sharp mix of pathos and humor" 
Screen Anarchy
"An unpolished yet endearing landscape of hand-drawn animation and memorable characters. It's all quite marvelous to behold and incredibly infectious (in a good, healthy manner)" 
"A dizzying, playful, joyous and moving work about the revolutionary power of childhood" 
United States
Common Sense Media
"Blending serious topics with childhood mischief and whimsy, this bright, lighthearted French animated comedy is imaginative and fun while still being rooted in the real world" 
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