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Great Freedom

Drama. Romance In postwar Germany, Hans is imprisoned again and again for being homosexual. The one steady relationship in his life becomes his long time cell mate, Viktor, a convicted murderer.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"Though it takes a while to build, patient viewers will be repaid with interest (...) An absorbing meditation on what long-term imprisonment for a crime that is not a crime does to the soul" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Chronicling an ignominious chapter in queer history, Great Freedom is also a contemplative psychological study of the effects of incarceration, and beyond that, an unconventional love story" 
United States
"An exquisite marriage of personal, political and sensual storytelling, its narrative and temporal drift tightened by another performance of quietly piercing vulnerability from Franz Rogowski." 
United States
"A perceptive character study about resistance and resilience, buoyed by Rogowski's impeccable performance" 
United States
The Playlist
"A reductive gay love story that teases so much more (...) Luckily, the picture is steadied by the transfixing presence of Rogowski" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"'Große Freiheit' is a formidably intelligent and well-acted prison movie and also a love story (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"A tender story of love and survival (...) Viktor’s sexuality is sketched with beautiful messiness" 
United States
The New York Times
"Moving period drama (...) Meise and Reider don't burden the characters with chest-thumping or expository speeches; there are no title cards crammed with encyclopedic histories or triumphant flag waving" 
United States
"[Rogowski's] is one of his most moving and fully imagined performances (...) The characterizations and performances are so exact and restrained that the result is affecting and often wrenching cinema (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Wrap
"The conclusion of 'Große Freiheit' manages to finesse the flaws of the movie, and it winds up feeling genuinely tragic" 
United States
"In the film, the question of love is refreshingly never too far from bodily intimacy, irrespective of what kind of love that is. Love finds a crack to slip through and manifest itself (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Film Stage
"'Große Freiheit' asks a lot of its viewer and offers no rousing Hollywood ending. It's not a film you see on a whim, but lovers of truthful, humanistic cinema should take note" 
United States
"Prisons are designed to be dehumanizing and gloomy, but no shot is dull. ['Große Freiheit''s] shadows are sensuous, the flesh tones insistently alive, the occasional shafts of light through the window glorious" 
United Kingdom
Time Out
"A striking illustration of a sudden liberation, helping 'Great Freedom' to be a portrait of a political journey, as well as that of a quietly fascinating hero (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"'Great Freedom' makes an exquisite case for the impossibility of caging the heart, even when love itself is criminalized" 
United Kingdom
"It is rare to see a love story of sorts between two men played so delicately or thoughtfully (...) Tough but tender, 'Große Freiheit' sustains a fiery political anger (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
"A work of so many perfectly balanced themes and strands, examining with depth German post-war history, queer life before decriminalisation, and how the deadening logic of incarceration creates a mental prison" 
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