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The Blind Sunflowers

Drama Each time Elena closes the door to her house, she locks away her secrets. At the same time as overcoming the post-war hardships, Elena puts on an outward show, along with her son Lorenzo, in order to hide the truth about her family: Elenita, her pregnant teenage daughter, has run away with her boyfriend Lalo, a youngster who has been on police lists for weeks. And her husband, Ricardo, lives hidden away in a hole drilled in the couples ... [+]
metabaron: favorite reviews of The Blind Sunflowers
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  • 09/8/2008
    ¿A quién le importa? Bad
    No se me ocurre un titular mejor para hablar de esta ¿película? que parafrasear a Alaska; porque visto lo visto, a nadie parece importarle un bledo las motivaciones ni sentimientos de los personajes ... Read full review
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