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7 Virgins

Drama Summer in a southern working-class skid row. Tano, a youngster doing time in a remand home, receives a special 48-hour pass to attend his brother Santacana?s wedding. During the time he spends outside of the home, Tano runs back into his best friend, Richi, throwing himself into having as much fun as he can in such a short time, doing everything he is forbidden to do at the centre: he gets drunk, takes drugs, steals, loves, and ... [+]
Ketamino: favorite reviews of 7 Virgins
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  • 05/9/2011
    Suspiros de España Awful
    Sí, 7 Vírgenes tiene un gran punto a su favor, es una fiel representación del día a día que se vive actualmente en las capitales andaluzas, destacando sobre todo Sevilla (escenario de 7 Vírgenes). ... Read full review
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