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Moonlighting (TV Series)

TV Series. Mystery. Comedy TV Series (1985-1989). 5 Seasons. 66 Episodes. The top model Maddie Hayes was betrayed by her investment adviser who flew with all her money to South-America and began the hard life of a Casino owner. All the unfaithful manager has left Maddie is her house, her unbelievable beauty and intelligence and the run-down detective-agency "City Angels" (renamed by Maddie into "Blue Moon"). Because of her lack of money, she wants to sell the ... [+]
Delushi Kong7: favorite reviews of Moonlighting (TV Series)
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  • 05/22/2021
    Helena de Troya Good
    Bueno, no era de Troya, era de Soria, pero sí se llamaba Helena.

    Compartimos aulas tres años y recuerdo perfectamente —con esa claridad fotográfica con que se embalsaman determinadas ... Read full review
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