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Drama The successful career of Hollywood screenwriter, Dalton Trumbo, comes to an end when he's blacklisted in the 1940s for being a Communist. Dalton Trumbo (Bryan Cranston) has a successful career as one of the highest-paid screenwriters in Hollywood. When he refuses to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee, which is trying to keep Communist influences out of Hollywood, he gets blacklisted. However, he continues to write ... [+]
Luis Guillermo Cardona: favorite reviews of Trumbo
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  • 03/23/2018
    Un nombre en una lista Great
    Las épocas siniestras y oscuras se repiten a lo largo de nuestra Edad Contemporánea. El ser humano se ha especializado en ejercer sus peores facultades por todo el mundo. El siglo XX fue una etapa ... Read full review
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