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Easy Rider

Drama A landmark in film history, EASY RIDER blew the studio doors open for more young directors than any film before or since, helping to create the wide-open climate that would lead to the production of many outstanding films in the 1970s. As its director, Dennis Hopper is usually given the lion's share of credit for the film's success, but the revelations of time suggest that the contributions of the late Terry Southern and, to some ... [+]
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  • 03/7/2016
    Harto de sobrevaloraciones Average
    Gran decepción la que me he llevado después de ver esta película. Ya va siendo hora de que no haga caso de los (mal)llamados "críticos de cine". ¿Qué tiene de atractivo esta película? ¿Qué ... Read full review
    by: ken
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