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Comedy. Drama. Kids Farmer Hoggett wins a runt piglet at a local fair and young Babe, as the piglet decides to call himself, befriends and learns about all the other creatures on the farm. He becomes special friends with one of the sheepdogs, Fly. With Fly's help, and Farmer Hoggett's intuition, Babe embarks on a career in sheepherding with some surprising and spectacular results.
rodri: favorite reviews of Babe
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  • 04/12/2012
    Apreciemos el buen cine Very good
    Muchos dicen que Babe es una película estúpida. ¿Tratar el tema de la libertad tan simpáticamente como se hace en este filme es estúpido?

    Otros dicen que no tiene nada que merezca la ... Read full review
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