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Horror. Thriller Imagine our wireless technologies made a connection to a world beyond our own. Imagine that world used that technology as a doorway into ours. Now, imagine the connection we made can’t be shut down. When you turn on your cell phone or log on to your e-mail, they’ll get in, you’ll be infected and they’ll be able to take life.
dulcynea: favorite reviews of Pulse
Validated reviews 1
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  • 06/19/2008
    Al acabar, PULSE el sí... Poor
    El otro día me pasó algo curioso. Me levanté de sopetón a las 3.19 de la madrugada. Estaba empapado de sudor, el corazón me latía a mil, y un mal rollo en el cuerpo que ni te cuento. No se porqué me ... Read full review
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