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Jamon Jamon

Comedy. Drama. Romance Jose Luis is an executive at his parents underwear factory where his girlfriend Sylvia works on the shop floor. When Sylvia falls pregnant, Jose Luis promises her that he will marry her, most likely against the wishes of his parents. Jose Luis' mother is determined to break her son's engagement to a girl from a lower-class family, and hires Raul, a potential underwear model and would-be bullfighter to seduce Sylvia.
Coleccionista Visual: favorite reviews of Jamon Jamon
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  • 02/19/2009
    Novela de 2 horas Poor
    Respeto al cine español, respeto a sus directores y a los grandes artistas que nos ha brindado, pero francamente en esta película siento como si hubieran condensado toda una temporada de novelas de ... Read full review
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