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Drama Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) is a down-on-his-luck Philadelphia southpaw who works at a meat-packing factory while fighting at a local club. Hes given the chance of a lifetime when the world heavyweight champion, Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers), chooses him as an unlikely opponent in his championship bicentennial fight. What was originally planned as a publicity stunt becomes a chance for Rocky to prove himself as a prizefighter while ... [+]
Hugo126: favorite reviews of Rocky
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  • 11/29/2008
    Tu Oportunidad Good
    Un día te levantas por la mañana, te estiras, bostezas ampliamente, te levantas como puedes de tu cama de 90x160 y apartas las cajas del suelo para abrirte paso. Pegas una patada a la ropa sucia de ... Read full review
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