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Judgement at Nuremberg

Drama It has been three years since the most important Nazi leaders had already been tried. This trial is about four Judges who used their offices to conduct Nazi sterilization and cleansing policies. Retired American Judge, Dan Haywood, has a daunting task ahead of him. The Cold War is heating up and no one wants any more trials as Germany, and allied Governments, want to forget the past. But is that the right thing to do is the question that the tribunal must decide. [+]
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  • 05/25/2020
    Los 7 magníficos Good
    Spencer Tracy. El juez que juzga. Lleva la honradez pintada en la faz, y una intención clara de hacer justicia de forma implacable. Intenta comprender de verdad cómo un país entero pudo ser abducido ... Read full review
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