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Killing Them Softly

Film noir. Thriller Frankie and Russell, two not-too-bright ex-cons, are hired by John "The Squirrel" Amato to disrupt a high-stakes backroom poker game, rob the players and frame someone else for the job. That someone else is the card game's manager, who's suspected of staging a previous poker robbery. Unfortunately, the game was under the protection of the mob, whose lawyer is ordered to find those responsible and take care of them. He hires hitman ... [+]
Straydog: favorite reviews of Killing Them Softly
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  • 03/24/2013
    Apaga la radio, Dominik. Decent
    El otro día quedé con un amigo, hacía mucho que no nos veíamos, así que salimos a tomar unas cañas. Nos las tomamos en la terraza del bar, dentro hacía mucho calor. La noche iba bien, nos estábamos ... Read full review
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