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Electrocuting an Elephant (S)

Documentary This is a film taken of the execution of Topsy, an elephant employed to help build Luna Park on Coney Island. She had killed three men, including a drunken spectator who fed her a cigarette. Cyanide-laced carrots fed to her by park officials failed, and the ASPCA forbade a hanging. Thomas Edison, meanwhile, had been publicly killing dogs and cats with AC power to show that his DC power was more effective and less dangerous. Edison ... [+]
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  • 03/7/2020
    Documento histórico: Interesting
    “Ejecución de un Elefante” ha de considerarse como lo que es: un documento histórico. El visionado de la escenita no tiene mayor enjundia, sin embargo, debo reconocer que al contextualizar los hechos ... Read full review
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