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The English (TV Miniseries)

TV Series. Western. Drama 6 Episodes. Wealthy English woman Cornelia Locke (Emily Blunt) arrives in the United States in 1890 with a bag of cash, hell-bent on killing the man responsible for the death of her child. She’s thrown together in unlikely circumstances with Pawnee scout Eli Whipp, recently discharged from the army and trying to make his way home.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"Hugo Blick's new series hinges (so far) on the deeply compelling pairing of Blunt and Chaske Spencer (...) [An] excitingly ambitious drama of frontier violence (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"There is a lot to love in this six-episode limited series, but it does ultimately leave you wanting more (...) [It] resonates with its gritty, lived-in atmosphere, and it never loses sight of the humanity at the heart of this tragic tale." 
United States
"A Striking but Jumbled Western Melodrama (...) [It] succumbs to its own romanticism (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
"Chaske Spencer and Emily Blunt make a charismatic pairing in this violently charged and romance-infused period revenge epic. The first two episodes astutely marry Western tradition with a modern twist" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"Emily Blunt’s incredible western leaves every other cowboy show eating its dust" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"Blunt is fantastic, as are many of her co-stars (...) But despite a seemingly straightforward revenge plot, its storytelling frequently turns too complicated for its own good." 
United States
The Playlist
"Blick’s intertwined story of the brutality and redemptive possibilities of the American West nearing the turn of the century is a gripping and memorable adventure" 
United States
Ready Steady Cut
"Not for the faint of heart (....) While tackling themes of the genocide of Indigenous people and regrettable treatment of women, Blick tries to offer the anti-Western (...) (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"[It] does not quite thrive, but where it fails, it fails in intriguing way" 
United States
"Like the characters it profiles, ['The English'] deserves a chance at happiness and to carve out some of the landscape for itself (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
"A massively ambitious and original take on the Western genre confirming the extraordinary writing and directing skills of Hugo Blick, while showcasing one of Emily Blunt's greatest performances yet (...) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
TV Guide
"A revisionist Western that may scratch a specific itch while never really turning into the bolder show it aims to be" 
United States
"A sharply written, largely entertaining, and extremely violent romance (...) Blick's latest story finds consistent success by astutely acknowledging the ferocity ingrained in America's identity all along" 
"This is definitely a great showcase for Hugo Blick as a director as it is for all of the acting talent involved. 'The English' is a great story in one of the most iconic genres of all time" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Big ideas, big vistas, big performances, somewhat convoluted execution" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"An engrossing but gruesome Western (...) With so much bloodshed and so many haunting images, 'The English' isn't for the faint of heart, but it packs a stylized punch (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"Its performances, dialogue, and cinematography make it a must-see for anyone who likes their westerns a bit more bleak and bloody" 
United States
AV Club
"There are hints of an in-depth, poignant tale hidden within 'The English'. But the show so explicitly wants to establish its Western atmosphere that the plot becomes an afterthought" 
United States
The Wrap
"Until I watched all six episodes of Amazon Prime Video’s overstuffed limited series 'The English', I believed I’d follow Emily Blunt just about anywhere. As it turns out, maybe not to the American West circa 1890" 
"[It] attempts to make big, meaningful statements about the West, but in doing so, it loses sight of what makes a good Western" 
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